Holiday Ornaments |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Homemade Holiday Ornaments

by Janice McClure, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake, USA
-Clear, glass ball ornaments
-Acrylic craft paint
-Egg carton
Open the glass bulb and squirt two-three-different types of
acrylic paint into it.
Swirl the paint around in the bulb by rotating the bulb with
your hands.
Let dry in an egg carton.
When dry, add toppers and tie a ribbon onto them.
by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake,
-1 pkg. Yellow Indian seed beads (small or large)
-Thin craft wire
-Medium size star cookie cutter
-1 pkg. ornament hooks
-Needle nose pliers or wire cutters
1. Cut a length of wire long enough to shape around your star
cookie cutter.
Gently shape wire around cookie cutter € bending the general
shape of the star into the wire.
Place beads in a cereal bowl and string on wire entire length
of star.
Twist and bend both ends closed to prevent puncture wounds.
Reshape or define the shape of your star if needed. Add ornament
hook and start your next star!
Don't have star cookie cutter, draw a star on heavy paper,
cut it out and use it as your template.

by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake,
paint stick (yield 2 ornaments)
-Craft paint (black, white, red, orange (optional))
-Scrap fabric or ribbon for scarf - 1/4" x 7" for
-Hot glue gun or craft glue
-Thread, fishing line, DMC floss
1. Cut paint stick into two 5-1/2" long. Use the remaining
length of wood to cut 2 hat brims (appx 1/4" x 2").
Paint top 1-1/4" of each 5-1/2" piece (a.k.a. snowman)
black; paint the hat brims (1/4" x 2") black. Paint
remaining portion of the snowmen body white. Allow paint to
Using a hot glue gun or craft clue, glue hat brim to snowman
covering where the black and white paint meet. Allow glue
to set.
Using a small paint brush or toothpick, add eyes and mouth
(black), nose (red or orange) and buttons (red hearts or circles,
or use real buttons).
Using a very small drill bit, drill a hole in the top of your
snowmans hat (1/4 " down from top edge, centered)
to string your tread for hanging.
Tie the fabric or ribbon scarf around the snowmans neck
€ secure with glue if needed.
Door Hanger
-1/4 " plywood
-1-1/2"x9" snowman body
-1/2"x3" €hat brim
-Craft paint (black, white, red, green)
-Scrap fabric or ribbon €1/2" x 10"
-Hot glue gun
-Mini jingle bless
-Mini pine wreath (3" diameter - fake)
-Wire cutters
1. Paint top 1-3/4" of snowman black; paint hat brim
black. Paint remaining portion of the snowman's body white.
Allow paint to dry.
Using wire cutters, cut one sprig from mini wreath (should
be about 1" long). Glue pine sprig to lower black portion
of the hat so that once the brim is glued on it looks like
it's sticking out of the brim. Glue hat brim to hat, being
sure to cover the paint seam and bottom of pine sprig. Add
jingle bell (or red holly berry) with dab of glue where the
pine spring and the hat brim meet.
Paint on face and either paint or glue buttons on the snowman's
Tie scarf around his neck and if necessary tack with small
dab of glue. Allow everything to set/dry.
Cut 10" piece of twine, fold in half. Turn snowman over
and glue cut ends of the twine to the back of the snowman's

by Lori Garcia, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake, USA
-Various colors of polymer clay
-Rolling pin, jar, or pasta machine (for rolling out the clay)
-Clear gloss spray
-Permanent, fine-tip pen
-Decorative scrapbook scissors
-Straight pin
-Table knife
-Large circle punch
-Thread (any color-for cutting clay)
Roll green polymer clay into a thin sheet using either the
rolling pin, jar, or pasta machine.
Using the large circle punch, punch out a circle. If you do
not have a large circle punch, you can use any number of circle-drawing
tools, templates, or you can just trace a round object like
a glass and cut out with scissors.
Roll white polymer clay into a thick sheet. Place green circle
of clay on the white sheet and cut around the green circle
with decorative scrapbook scissors.
Use a straight pin to stab holes around the decorative border
and on the green circle of clay.
Using the white clay, roll into a ball about the size of a
quarter. Using the thread, cut the ball into two halves. One
of the halves will serve as the snowman's body.
Repeat step four with a slightly smaller ball of white clay,
about the size of a nickel. One of the halves will serve as
the snowman's head. Using the thread, cut a crescent out of
the half so you have a place for the hat. Place both body
and head of the snowman on the green circle of clay in the
Using red clay, make a cone the right size for the snowman's
hat. Cut the cone in half using the thread and set aside.
With the white clay, make a snake about two "es long
and about the thickness of flower stem. Using the rolling
pin, jar, or pasta machine, roll the snake flat. This is the
trim of the hat. Lay the flatten snake over the red hat and
trim off excess. Using straight pin to stab the trim of the
hat too create a fluffy-like texture.
Roll a small ball of white clay to make the hat's pom pon.
Use the straight pin to texturize it too to look fluffy.
Place the hat (with trim) and pom pon on the green background
above the snowman.
Roll black clay into a small ball the size of a seed bead.
Using the thread, cut the ball in half. Place both halves
on the snowman's head for eyes.
Using orange clay, make a small cone the right size for the
snowman's carrot nose. Use the straight pin to score the carrot
giving it appropriate horizontal lines. Place carrot nose
on snowman's head.
Draw on a smile for the snowman using the straight pin.
Roll a small block of blue clay. Cut the block diagonally
to create two triangles. Place the triangles on the snowman's
body to create a bow tie. Roll a small ball of blue clay for
the center of the tie. Smoosh it into place on the body of
the snowman.
Roll one tiny ball of black clay. Slice with thread and attach
to snowman's body for buttons.
Roll one red ball the size of a nickel. Slice with thread
into two halves.
Taking one of the halves round-side up, slightly p" one
end to make it slight smaller to create the mitten. Take the
straight pin and slightly dent in the opposite side to create
the thumb.
Make a small red snake about the thickness of a flower stem
and flatten it as in step #7. Cut the flatten red snake to
fit around the mitten as the cuff. Make vertical lines in
the cuff to give it texture.
Repeat steps #15 and #16 for second mitten. Attach both mittens
to ornament.
Roll a nickel-size black clay into a ball. Slightly flatten
the ball into a shape in between a ball and a pill. Slice
in half with thread. Place shoes on ornament.
Roll out a small square of gray clay for the skate. Slice
into two rectangles and add to ornament. Unfold paperclip
and reshape into a hook. Stick the hook in the clay ornament.
Placed finished ornament on cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes
in a 275 degree oven. Let cool.
Using permanent marker, write family name and year on ornament.
Spray with clear gloss and let dry.

by Lisa James, Salem Ward, St. John Arizona Stake, USA
-5 " x 5 " scrap of 1 " thick wood
-10 - 1 " brads ( these are thin, small head nails)
-Needle nose pliers/wire cutter
-Star pattern
-18, 19 or 20 gage wire
-Ribbon of your choice
-Spray paint, color of your choice
Place the star pattern, centered on the piece of wood. Pound
the brads into the wood at each point of the star, both exterior
and interior points.
2. Cut two
pieces of wire to 60 inches or measure out at arms length
across your body.
Take one cut wire and twist to make a small loop near the
center. Twist again to make secure.
Place the loop above the nail that will be the top point of
the star. The twisted part should sit
directly above the nail and the two ends of the wire come
down on either side of it.
Take the right wire and begin weaving the wire in and out
of the nails following the star pattern. This will go around
about two times. Tuck the end piece under the wire star.
Repeat the above for the left side, only in the opposite direction
as the first.
You have created the star base.
Carefully remove the wire star base from the nails. Be careful,
the wire will want to spring apart. Use the needle nose pliers
to wrap both end pieces around the star base to secure.
Take the other cut piece of wire and with one end wrap about
one " securely around all the wire in a small section.
This will secure the wire you are working with and the star
4. Begin wrapping
this second wire around the outside of the star base from
corner to corner and around the arms. Each arm needs to be
wrapped at least two times.
Step back and look at it once or twice while wrapping to make
sure you havent left out an area.
When you are down to about an inch and a half of wire, wrap
it securely around a small section of the base. Use the needle
nose pliers to turn back any sharp ends.
5. Using spray
paint, paint the stars according to the directions on the
6. When dry,
thread a ribbon through the stars top loop. Tie a bow
with the ends to make a loop to hang the star on the tree.
-Colored wire is also available at craft stores if you want
to skip the painting part.
-Also, try adding fine glitter to the stars for a sparkly
-You can also try using heavier gage wire with a larger star
pattern for bigger stars. These maybe too heavy to hang on
the tree, but look great hanging in windows, on the mantel
and from the eaves of the house.
-Experiment and have fun.

by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake,
-Acid-free card stock
-Circle cutter or circle template
-Acid-free tape
-Lamination paper
-Hole punch
1. Trace a
circle onto the photo and cut out. If you have a circle cutter,
you could use it too.
2. Mount photo
on different color card stock and trim circles.
3. Laminate
and punch a hole in the top.
4. Tie a ribbon
for a hanger.
by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake,
-Skill Craft Sticks
-White craft paint
-Clear craft paint with glitter
-Hot glue gun or craft glue.
-Fishing line
1. Paint front and back of three skill craft sticks with white
paint; allow to dry.
Paint again with glitter paint; allow to dry.
Glue center of sticks together as show in picture. Either
tie a length of fishing line to one end of the snowflake and
secure with a dab of glue; or drill a very small hole in one
end and tread the fishing line through, tying loose ends to
create loop.
by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake,
-Wide Mouth Kerr/Mason Jar lids
-Small heart template (cut from 3x5 card)
-Small roll of Scotch tape or double-sided sticky tape
-Medium penny nail - you dont want anything thats
too fat around. Penny nails tend to be long and skinny, perfect
for t his project.
-Old phone book, stack of newspapers or a couple sheets of
corrugated board
-Red 1/8"craft ribbon
1. Secure heart template to the top of jar lid--I tend to
center it over the embossed KERR/MASON with a small roll of
Scotch tape or a square of double-sided tape. A heart measuring
2" wide and 1-3/4" tall fits perfectly inside the
Carefully tap the nail through the lid (be sure to do this
on top of an old phone book, etc so you don't damage your
work surface), spacing your holes evenly around the heart.
Punch an extra hole to the top of the lid to tread your ribbon
through. Tie off the ribbon and hang on the tree.
by Lori Garcia, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka KS Stake, USA
-Various pine cones
-White craft glue
-Paint brush
-String or ribbon to hang the ornament
Paint the top of the pine cone edges with white craft glue.
Sprinkle glitter on top.
Tie a string or ribbon around the top edges and hang.
Tree Embroidery
by Heather Hales, Tempe Ward, Tempe Arizona Stake, USA
-1 white onsie
-Green embroidery floss
-Yellow embroidery floss
-Brown embroidery floss
Find the center of your onsie and determine how far across and down
you want the trees to go. Mark the fabric where you want to place
the trees.
2. With green
floss, make one straight stitch for the length of the tree and then
begin making the boughs of the tree.
The tree trunk is done in three satin stitches. (Three stitches
of equal length done right next to each other.)
4. The star
atop the tree is really a French knot.
Instead of trees do snowflakes
If you are more advanced try snowmen
Yellow or gold stars
Try the embroidery project on a tote bag, apron, jumper,
Holiday Crates
by Mindy Bash, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, USA
rub-ons to create fun holiday decor in a snap.
-Wooden crate
-Craft paint
1. Choose the
rub-on that will fit your crate.
2. Paint crate
with craft paint and let dry.
Rub on the rub-on decoration.
4. Tie on raffia
for cute country charm.
Berry Wreath
by Lori Garcia, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, USA
fun faux berry wreaths are easy to make and festive to hang on any
front door.
hay wreath
-12-16 bunches of red faux berries
-Hand full of green faux leaves
-3 faux apples
-5 inches of ribbon to hang the wreath
-Hot glue gun
Cut all berries apart using either the pliers or scissors so that
you have small strands.
Dap a little glue on the hay wreath.
Stick the strand into the hay wreath while passing through the glue.
Repeat these process until the entire wreath is covered except for
the very top.
In the remaining portion, glue down the leaves with hot glue.
Glue on the apples in the center of the leaves.
Turn the wreath over and hot glue the ribbon on to use as a hook.
Let dry.
you're ready to hang.
Table Runner
by Lori Garcia, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, USA
-1 yard acetate
velvet (or you may need more depending on your table length.)
-Coordinating thread, tassels, cording and other sewing notions
to your taste.
-Rubber stamp (special ones that are made to withstand the heat
are found at.)
-spray bottle
Place rubber-stamp on a flat surface with rubber part facing up.
(Note, to get better results, you'll want to use a larger stamp
with fewer fine details. Also, make sure the stamp can stand up
to the heat of a hot iron. We stamped an entire yard of fabric with
a lot of coverage. After an hour and a half, the glue from the rubber-stamp
started to lose its hold and caused the rubber to slide around on
the wood block. We could still continue, but we had to be careful.
If you want heavy-duty rubber stamps, you might want to check out
the following website that sells rubber-stamps just for that purpose:
2. Place the
velvet right-side down so that the good side is facing the rubber-stamp
and the backside is facing you (up). * Note, it's important to use
real acetate velvet and not velveteen or a substitute.
3. Using the
water bottle, spritz the fabric (the wrong-side) lightly to moisten
Place a heated iron directly on top of the fabric and count to five,
applying light pressure. *Note, make sure that you have the iron
on the highest setting WITHOUT steam. ALSO, make sure that you place
the iron so that the holes are not directly on top of your rubber-stamp.
The holes will leave their own embossing!
Remove the iron and pick up the fabric to see the embossing you've
Continue to emboss as much of the fabric as you want. It took us
two hours to do a yard of fabric. You can choose to emboss a pattern
rotating the stamp ever which way, in rows, or along an edge for
added detail.
7. Measure the
length of the table you want to make the runner. Add 10-15 inches
extra so that the runner falls nicely over each side of the table.
We cut our fabric 65 inches long and 15 inches wide. Our fabric
wasn't long enough for our table, so we had to make a seam down
the middle of runner along the width. We weren't too concern with
the seam, because we had plans to cover the middle of the runner
with a large candle/pine cone centerpiece.
8. Hem the
runner all the way around about 1/4 inch.
Turn the ends of the runner in to a point (you will tack these down
later by hand.)
If you like cording, pin it along the underside of the hem you just
created. Sew the cording on by machine, or do a slip stitch by hand.
We did ours by machine, or course lazy ole me!
The final touches? Tack the corners of each end down as mentioned
before. Hand stitch the tassels to the end of the runner for a completed
by Jill Putnam, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, USA
them on a door knob, from the mantle, or anywhere you want to have
holiday cheer.
-1 bag of gum drops or candy canes
-1 Styrofoam ball
-1 straight pin
-1 red hot
-Hot glue gun
1. Cover a four
inch Styrofoam ball with gumdrops, candy cane pieces, or any festive
holiday candy, using hot glue.
2. Loop ribbon into a bow with two larger loops for hanging.
3. Push ribbon
into Styrofoam with straight pin. Add hot glue for extra strength.
4. Use a small
piece of candy, like a red hot, to cover the pin mark.
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